Home » Vendor Policy » Product Image Upload Requirements

Our website maintains a unified and cohesive appearance by carefully reviewing and approving all product uploads. This process ensures that your products align with our established standards, resulting in a seamless and visually appealing shopping experience for our customers. By adhering to our approval system, vendors benefit from enhanced visibility and brand positioning, showcasing their products alongside other high-quality offerings. This approach guarantees that your products will be presented in the best possible light, maximizing their potential for attracting and engaging customers.

Product Image Upload Requirements

  • Product photography plays a crucial role in effectively presenting the intricate details of your merchandise. To ensure optimal visual representation, it is recommended to maintain a minimum image resolution of 72 dpi. Given that monitors typically have a maximum display resolution of 72 dpi, configuring your web images accordingly not only preserves file size but also guarantees compatibility. In the realm of SEO, the speed at which your website loads is paramount. Thus, it is advisable to consider compressing image files to 72 dpi, particularly when your site incorporates a significant number of visuals. By implementing this practice, you enhance both user experience and search engine optimization efforts.
  • Product images should be a minimum of 1000 x 1000 pixels in size and have a maximum file size of 512 MB.
  • Acceptable file formats include: PNG, JPG, & JPEG.

Photography Product Curation Tips: 

  1. Placing an acrylic glass (also known as plexiglass, acrylic, lucite, or perspex) under your product will create a great reflection.
  2. Use contrasting backgrounds Always use contrasts in the background to make sure your product stands out. For instance, a pair of dark brown colored shoes need a lighter background to showcase its texture and features better. A professional photographer can spot such contrasts easily. Hence, it’s better to take help from professional photographers to click your product pictures the right way for showcasing on the website.
  3. Always use a tripod to keep the product stable during the shoot. A lack of balance, even the smallest ones, can influence your final quality.
  4. Good Lighting is Essential!
  5. A PC or Mac is always a better choice to edit images than your smartphone, no matter how expensive your smartphone is. Smartphones have small screens so you can’t see your product image’s details well.
  6. Remember to take several shots of every item from all angles (top, bottom, front, back, and sides). Because the goal of product photography is to clearly showcase your product for customers, so they can imagine what they’re going to buy.

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